Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 22, 2010


This afternoon, I made my very first EVER loaf of from-scratch bread.

My Dad used to occasionally make bread when I was little, and the smell was divine.

As this was gluten and yeast-free bread, the delicious smell was not quite the same, but delightful nonetheless.

I was quite proud of myself.

I felt quite domestic as T came around the corner, commenting on the olfactory yuminess, and I met him there with a plate of warm slices adorned with this:

I must say, it did feel nice.

By the way, here's the recipe.

Happy Monday!

Today's quote:
"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all."
~Harriet van Horne


Karls said...


Brandi said...

That looks delicious! I need to make me some homemade bread... maybe this weekend