Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Double Double

No, not the In & Out burger.

But a resolution to make resolutions! I'll be typing 'em up, here, tomorrow, for the new year.

So this is a post about the potential post for tomorrow.

Kind of useless, actually.

However, shouldn't we all be thinking about our resolutions now? Isn't tomorrow the day to make them, which makes today the day to ponder them? To think about what's important? To begin to unwrap the past year in our minds, diving into the good and bad and into our own choices and behavior, and figure out what we'll be doing next year that will be different (and the same)?

That's what I'll be doing. Aside from eating my first ever batch of homemade peppermint bark, which is chilling in the fridge now.

So, resolutions tomorrow! Think about it! What promises will you be making to yourself?

1 comment:

Ric said...

haha... Peppo-bark is one of those simple holiday pleasures - ayumm!

Happy New Year to ya, Charis and hope to read more of your adventures in 2010!!