Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So I've been spending the past week in the land of the mountains, greenery, rushing streams, and gloriously cool weather: Hazleton, PA.

We're here because a childhood friend of T's was married on Saturday, and T was a groomsman. The reception was held outside, and between the cloudy sky, trees in the distance, beer on tap, and country music playing, I felt right at home! When the heavens burst and the rain poured down on our covered dining room and dance floor and a fine mist rose from the hills in the distance, I couldn't be happier (no matter how much my feet ached).

(pictures to come soon)

On our way to the airport on Monday afternoon, 15 miles out traffic came to a quietly screeching halt. It took us an hour to go the next four miles, and although we'd left with time to spare, we walked into the airport at 6:18pm. Our flight was lifting off at 6:20. So, we obviously didn't make it and I'm looking at a cloudy sky right now, out of the window in the dining room of T's parent's house.

I wasn't worried up until then. I figured that there was no cause to worry until the flight was actually gone without us, and even then that there wasn't much to be done - we'd been more than on time, and there hadn't been any decision we were lax on making.

When things like this happen, I chalk them up to baseball bats. So, after a few tremors at the fact that I'd be missing most of this week at work and because of the unavoidably yucky feeling experienced whenever you miss a flight, I did my best to keep my eyes open for whatever reason had swayed fate's hand and kept me on the east coast.

The jury's still out. We'll see.

So we're flying back today instead, after some phone conversations with Continental and a few hundred dollars...no comment. (I suppose it's not their fault if there's an accident on the highway, but still...)

In other news, our Pesky and Mildly Sad Neighbor has graduated to be our Insane and Dangerous Neighbor - he pulled a gun on our roomate this Saturday night. Yes, they'd just returned from the bar and were loud on the patio at 3am, but is that cause for violence? I think not.

So, we may be moving.

More on that later.

Today's (non)whiteboard quote:
"My intuition never fails me, it is I who fail when I do not listen to it."
~Hazrat Inayat Khan


Elizabeth Marie said...

Ohhh missing flights is so annoying, but your positive spin in LIFE inspires me.

Safe travels today lover!

Karaoke-I need to be niiiice and liquored up haha.


brooke said...

oh my!!! your neighbor is definitely a cause for a move!! SOON!!! how scary!

and bum about missing your flight! i've had a fear of this happening to me and would be terrified of the expense it would incur!!! uggg!! hopefully it wasn't too horrible!

safe travels!

Lydia Hirt said...

Hi Charis:

I noticed you wrote a wonderful book review on a past French/Woman focused book, so I wanted to share with you an upcoming book to further indulge your taste for the French lifestyle with WHAT FRENCH WOMEN KNOW by Debra Ollivier, a debut author who calls both Paris and Los Angeles home.

We know it’s not the shoes, the scarves, or the lipstick that give French women their allure: It’s that they don’t give a damn. Ollivier takes a fresh look at stereotypes regarding sex, love, dating, marriage, motherhood, raising children, body politics, seduction and flirtation in this entertaining how-not-to guide.

WHAT FRENCH WOMEN KNOW is peppered with anecdotes from its Franco-American author and filled with provocative ideas from French sexperts, mistress and maidens alike that will cosset your desire for the old sexy culture that knows how to love.

If you’re interested in an advance readers copy, please send me an email at Lydia.hirt@us.penguingroup.com with your name and mailing address.

Au revoir,


The Shabby Princess said...

The weekend itself sounds fabulous--despite the missed flight. Safe travels back to the West Coast!

Hope the nasty neighbor situation gets resolved.