Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's Tuesday. Tuesday means that the weekend truly gone from last time, and not quite close enough to look forward to.

Tuesday is the pivotal day in my school week - if I don't get stuff done today, I'll be officially behind.

Tuesday means that this afternoon I'll take a field trip to go buy things for tomorrow's catered lunch and tea.

I just realized that this Tuesday means I'll be hearing a hack saw down the hallway....("lemme borrow that for a minute.....")

And this Tuesday is also a holiday which all of you twenty-somethings in the US should be aware of. Which means, dinner out with T and a Cajun restaurant by the pier. Sounds fun! (although I have a strong aversion to anything remotely spicy. I'll have a blue long island and it'll make it all better) I'll find the biggest earrings I own.

Oh, and Carrots in the Kitchen's goal this week? Homemade bread. It's a goal because it might not happen.

And today's whiteboard quote, totally unrelated to the above, but totally related to this:
"But each of us must find out for himself or herself what their gift is, so that they can use it in their life."
~Jimmy Jackson, OJIBWAY

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